Chinese New Year: Sing like you’re there

There is a Chinese New Year song my daughter learned when we lived in Taiwan that we used to wheedle her into singing for guests when she was younger. Eventually, we had to promise to never make her sing it again.

While I was looking for a YouTube video of the song, I came across several professionally made music videos of other Chinese New Year songs. This one has Chinese New Year decorations that capture the flavor of the holiday and a celebratory mood. I sure feel Chinese New Year-like after watching several of them. This is a catchy tune, so perhaps you can sing along.

Year of the Rat: Bring some luck into your life

With the Year of the Rat starting today, it’s not too late to attract good luck in order to make 2008 the best ever. Here are three ways. The first two I have tried.

Get a miniature orange tree– When we lived in Singapore we bought an orange tree every year right before Chinese New Year. The experience reminded me a bit like buying a live Christmas tree. Vendors selling these trees popped up all over the city. Size, cost and amount of oranges all figured into our decision making regarding which to buy–even the style of the pot was part of the package.

We set our tree out on the patio of our apartment and managed not to kill it for awhile. I can’t remember if we had any more good luck than normal, but I loved having such a bright, cheerful plant thanks to the oranges that were not much bigger than a golf ball.

Buy bamboo–Unlike our orange tree that didn’t last a year, (it was us, not the tree), bamboo plants will last awhile if you remember to change the water. In Taiwan, we bought bamboo just in case one of these plants would bring us good luck. I can’t say if any of them did, but I loved browsing the choices before making a purchase. The most expensive ones are grown into shapes. Like Christmas trees and orange trees, the size figures into the price as well.

Put away your scissors–Bringing good luck into your house can also be as simple as putting away sharp scissors and knives. If they are out, you can “cut” your luck.

For more Chinese New Year tidbits about how to improve your fortune, check out this link to the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco.

GADLING’S TAKE FIVE: Week of February 18

As another work week comes to a close on this Friday evening, let us all let out a sigh of relief and “TGFG” or Thank God for Gadling or for the non-religious Thank Goodness for Gadling. Whatever – just kick back and check out some of this week’s posts to get the travel idea engine going.

5. Should You Pay For Airport Electricity?:
For frequent travelers always plugged into an airport socket this might be something to think about. Would you be willing to pay to be connected during your layover or would you rather let you battery die and wait until you make it home? Doesn’t sound like it is a trend spreading fast, but you never know?

4. The Year of the Pig is Here:
We love holidays! (Especially ones that give us a reason to run off and explore foreign culture.) Chinese New Year is here and this year is the year of the Pig. You don’t have to go running off to China to get in on the action or even learn a little about this unique calendar system, Jaime does a fine job listing several destinations to find out more about the Pig.

3. Come Back Alive: Pelton’s Website:
I’m not too certain “Come Back Alive” is a travel slogan many folks would feel comfortable with, but for the individual who likes to flirt with risk, chance, danger or possibly be taken hostage and held for ransom – this is a site for you. Go see dangerous places and come back alive with helpful tips from Pelton.

2. How to Travel America:
Curious to find how to make your next journey across America safe and enjoyable? Check out this online guide which focuses less on roadside attractions and more on issues like tipping and what American’s attitudes are like towards foreigners. It’s a guide full of the practical stuff.

1. Top Party Beaches for Spring Break:
Spring breaking doesn’t cross my mind anymore, but for some tender and young college student Spring Break trip planning is all the rage right now. If you’re planning on escaping the books and heading to the beach here is a list of a few greats to visit on your week long stint to erase everything you learned with beer, sand and sun.