Horror of Horrors: US Dollar Now as Worthless as Canadian Dollar!

Well, I guess Americans such as myself can no longer make fun of our neighbors to the north.

It wasn’t so long ago that the almighty American dollar was so strong in Canada that I could wander across the border and with the loose change in my pocket buy a couple of Canadian manservants to clean my house and wash my laundry.

This is not the case anymore. The US dollar, after hitting an all-time low against the euro earlier this week, has continued its dismal slide to the point where one US dollar is now equal to one Canadian dollar.

Yes, folks, it’s a 1-to-1 exchange rate with the Canucks!

Can it get any worse?!?!? Not only has Canada become an expensive travel destination for us poor American mopes, but now our entire nation is going to be “on sale” as legions of Canadians pour across the border in search of shiny trinkets and cheap baseball hats.

Traveling When the Dollar is Weak

When the dollar’s down, what’s a traveler to do? Stay home? Welcome to the life of a Canadian for the past decade and a half. We’ve been avoiding the US for the past few years because it was just too darn expensive. But now we’re about on par and I for one intend to take advantage of it.

But with the weakened US dollar, there’s bound to be less Americans at the Eiffel tower this year. As I know very well, Europe’s really expensive when you’re not at the top of the currency game, but just because it’s out, doesn’t mean there aren’t other affordable places to visit. Have you considered a trip to:

  • Canada? I can vouch for the fact that it’s beautiful here, for those who love both urban landscapes and rugged wilderness. My loyalties lie with Western Canada, but the east is ok too.
  • New Zealand? Sure, the airfare can be expensive, but the USD is stronger than the NZD so you’re bound to save some money. Plus, it’s absolutely gorgeous.
  • Thailand? Again, the airfare is a bit pricey, but Thailand is a bargain. You can easily live off of $30 a day.
  • Costa Rica? Although they boast beaches and rainforest and everything in between, this central American getaway is still one of the more affordable destinations.

Want some more advice for traveling when the dollar is down? Check out this link.