When a friend of mine visited me when I lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, another friend got us tickets to see the Today Show when it was filmed for a week in Old Town. She won the tickets through a radio promotion call in. From what I recall, we had to be at Old Town by 4 AM since filming started at 7 AM. If it’s a live show that goes on at 7 AM in New York, filming before the sun comes up in a later time zone is a reality of real time television.
The Today Show is fond of doing segments that get people to tune in and travel to somewhere. This time it’s wedding dresses that are the lure. If you’re in the market for a wedding or a wedding gown, here’s a reason to travel. If you’re THE chosen winner, the show will give you a wedding that Martha Stewart puts together. Even if you’re not picked as THE wedding couple, the first 50 eligible brides to show up at 3 of the interview spots will get a free wedding dress from Filene’s Basement. Maybe you’ll get lucky. You have to show up at 4 a.m. so if you’re an early riser, head on over to one of these places. Get an application and details from the Today Show Web site. Check a site like Hotwire. There are a lot of cheap flights to some of these places. If nothing else, this is a fun way for a quick trip.
- Las Vegas, Tuesday, July 24 at the Venetian
- Miami, Wednesday, July 25, Loews Miami Beach Hotel
- Chicago, Thursday, July 26 at WMAQ-TV, NBC Tower
- New York, Friday, July 27 at Today Show Plaza. (New York not included in the brides dress give-a-way.)
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law won a radio promotion wedding to Las Vegas for Valentine’s Day years ago, so it can happen. People do win these things. At least you may go home with a dress or some vacation memories and a tale to tell.