Photo Of The Day: Gray Skies

It’s sunny today, but those of us at Gadling spent the weekend in various stages of “soaked,” thanks to gray skies and copious amounts of rain. As we look ahead to a brighter week, we’ll leave you with one impressive, final “gray sky” photo, from Gadling Flickr Pool member James Adamson.

We’d love to feature your photos and videos on Gadling, so please add them to our Flickr Pool (with Creative Commons licensing!), tag @GadlingTravel on Instagram or email us at

Photo of the day: Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Iceland

The Snaefellsnes Peninsula in Iceland is also referred to as “Iceland in Miniature”, thanks to the large amount of national sights in the area. Sarah Landau, professional lighting designer and photographer, snapped this photo during a recent trip around Iceland’s coast, otherwise known as “Ring Road”. Home of the Snaefellsnes Volcano, the peninsula, at least in part, can be seen from Reykjavik on clear days.

I’ve been prematurely bullet-pointing my tentative Iceland itinerary for years now. Although I haven’t yet planned a trip and although I desperately hope to do so sooner than later, seeing photos like this one is enough to get me through till my next “Iceland” Google Image Search meltdown.

Have photos you wish we’d feature on Photo of The Day? Well, why don’t you show them to us? Upload them to the Gadling Flickr Pool and we’ll post whatever catches our collective eye.