How not to ride an escalator

How not to ride an escalator.

1. Do not step backward.
2. Do note sit down.
3. Do not, at any point, attempt a triple salchow.

According to MallCop6, who posted this video on YouTube, “The dude didn’t get hurt at all.” Otherwise, this would really be too mean to post. Also, the camera is pulled back far enough that we can’t see who this actually is. If we could identify this man, we would, again, feel it was too mean to post.

However, since he looks like he’s fine and we can’t see who he is, and he totally pulled a 360°, artistically commendable, epic escalator fail? We’re sharing.

This is one example of many ways not to ride an escalator. More rules after the jump.

4. Do not attempt multiple backwards somersaults.

5.Do not ski (keep watching, he rides up the escalator first before the awesomeness kicks in).

Lasty, and perhaps most importantly:
6. Do not wear Crocs. (Ever.)

How To Put Out A Camp Fire (Hint: Do Not Use Your Skirt)

Building and enjoying a campfire is one of the best parts of going camping. Watching the lights flicker and dance can be mesmerizing and very relaxing. Plus, you need a campfire to cook, and who doesn’t love eating?! However, extinguishing a campfire is not as easy as turning off a stove top. What’s the proper way to do it? Well, let me begin by showing you the inappropriate way: do not use your boots, and do not use your skirt, as this woman does!

To properly extinguish a campfire you should:

  1. Smother the fire with dirt.
  2. Pour water on the smoldering ashes.
  3. Stir the mixture. Move rocks to confirm there are no “hidden embers.”
  4. Add more water, if necessary.
  5. Use your hands to feel if the ashes are cool. Leave them there until they are absolutely cool to the touch!
  6. Either bury the ashes; throw them in a trash container; or pack them out with you.
Dan Schieffelin has a degree in Outdoor Education and Leadership from Sterling College in Vermont. He has worked outdoors in several stations and is an expert on extinguishing campfires. Watch as he walks you through the process of putting out a fire.

He also has some excellent tips to bear in mind after putting out the campfire and before leaving the campsite.