Yesterday when we were driving somewhere, my daughter started talking about the Big Bang Theory which got us talking about the universe. I don’t think about the universe much. I’ve never been one to look up at the stars and wonder what’s out there. Perhaps, it’s because I travel around in my head a lot when I travel about the world. But, yesterday I looked up at the sky and thought, “My word, what is out there?”
Then today I read this first person account article on The UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico. Neil already wrote a post about this in May but its worth another mention since this is its 60 th year and it is coming up the beginning of July. Here’s the schedule. New Mexico does seem like a perfect place for such an event.
I’ve always thought it evokes the feeling of something being “out there” because its landscape is so vast and mysterious looking. When I lived there, I never became tired of seeing how the earth changed colors as the sun set. It starts to glow an orangey reddish- brown color that looks a bit Mars-like by the late afternoon.
And because Roswell is not the biggest of cities, I’m sure the townspeople like having the UFO mystery as part of their folklore and fame. It certainly gives people a reason to head that way. If you miss the festival, you can find out more about the Rosewell/UFO connection at the International UFO Museum and Research Center. For a scientific musing about the stars and planets, go to the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium.