If you have ever worked outside in the Winter, like it’s your job to be out there not just a run in from the car or out to walk the dog, you know there are three body parts you need to keep warm. Your head, your hands and your feet. Take care of those and the rest of you does just fine. The Zippo Hand Warmer makes a good addition to your arsenal of winter cold weapons.
How it works
The Zippo Hand Warmer takes lighter fluid and a what could best be described as a flameless fire to function. I found it easy enough to fill, a little tough to light the first time but after that it was easy. Once lit, there is no way to stop the heat, you just have to let it exhaust the fuel but that is no big deal. The unit produces a nice warm heat that is good to put in the pocket of a jacket, alternating side to side occasionally.
Product Value
At $19.95 and an estimated 80-use life, the Zippo Hand Warmer is a way better value than the next best thing: disposable hand warmers that work via a chemical reaction. One “use” of this product lasts a whole lot longer too.
Who would like this
I’d recommend this for hunters, outdoor sports people of all kinds. People who find themselves waiting around in the cold, maybe to catch a bus, would like this too. Someone wintering in Russia? Must have one.
The Company that made it
Zippo is one of those companies that has been around a long time (1932) and survived in spite of a changing world. Best known for quality “windproof” lighters their product line has expanded and adapted to todays marketplace. Their almost cult-like followers can be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Where to get it
The Zippo Deluxe Hand Warmer is available directly from Zippo or at most major sporting goods stores.