Some time ago, Justin wrote about meth makers using the coffee machine in hotel rooms to brew their concoctions. It’s now 2 years later, and the problem seems to be going from bad to worse.
Meth makers are increasingly using motel rooms for their “cooking”, often checking in late at night, and leaving the place behind by morning.
Of course, since these criminals are not the most ethical people around, they are not putting too much effort into cleaning up their mess of toxic chemicals. The problem is so widespread, that there are companies that do nothing but clean up whatever stench is left behind.
Some meth makers try to mask the odor with cat litter, others use absorbent materials left between the mattress and box spring. If the mess is too serious, a cleanup may involve replacing all the furniture and other items in the room, along with a $20,000 cleanup job.
So, the lesson to be learned here is to always be on the lookout for strange odors and stains in your room, if you suspect something isn’t right, get out of the room and notify the front desk.
It’s bad enough when you run into a dark and depressing room, but it’s a totally different situation when the bad smell in the room could actually kill you. Oh, and if any meth makers are reading this – thanks for making it so damn hard to buy the good Nyquil this winter.
(Via: Chicago Sun Times)