It’s very rare in life, but occasionally some of those super-secret, underground complexes that house submarine bases or other military facilities are actually opened to the public.
A regular diet of James Bond movies while growing up has always made me excited to seek out and explore such villainous lairs despite the fact that they were merely the dreams of scriptwriters.
The reality, however, is that such places actually exist. They are not the creation of super villains wanting to take over the world, however, but rather super powers wanting to take over the world.
Recently, one of the world’s most secretive Soviet cities, Balaklava, has decommissioned the nuclear submarine base stationed there and has now opened up the underground complex for guided tours.
Located 10 kilometers from Sevastopol in the Crimea, the complex actually bores right into solid rock; submarines simply disappeared into the secret entrance. The rock, as well as outer doors weighing 120 tons, would have protected the facility from a direct nuclear strike. If one had occurred, the complex was designed to support a full staff for up to three years.
The attack never came. Instead, the Cold War ended and all the secrecy surrounding this city has been lifted. The submarine base was stripped of its technology and transformed into a museum.
For a detailed and very cool James Bondish photo tour, be sure to click here. Or click here for a video tour.