This post marks the first installment of a new regular series at Gadling that will spotlight one “engaged traveler” each week. Engaged travelers can be defined in many ways, but I’ve chosen to focus on those that are giving back – let’s call it “philanthropy on the road”. I’m active in the fundraising field, so I find myself paying particular attention to what motivates travelers to give. The reasons are endless and the examples are everywhere. I read A LOT of travel blogs and am simply amazed by the outpouring and generosity I see. So, let’s get inspired…
First up is Dan Demole of Never Be Complete. I’ve been reading Dan’s blog since February. He has written wonderfully detailed reports as he’s moved from Costa Rica to Europe to Africa, where he is now. I donated $10 to his site for upkeep back in March, because it takes considerable time and money to provide the level of detail he does, and I think his site is one of the most impressive out there. (His flash intro must not be missed!)
Well, last week Dan had the bus ride from hell. But then, just a few days later, he had a truly unforgettable experience at an orphanage/school in Mozambique that cares for 55 kids whose parents have died of HIV/AIDS. Because of this, he decided to act, and is no longer accepting donations for himself on the site. Instead, Dan is asking for support for the orphanage, which can be directly transferred to the organization through his website. Dan has continued on his journey and is currently in Zimbabwe, but he has been hard at work setting up the support page on his site and getting the word out about this incredible group of children he encountered. If you want to help, check out Dan’s story and consider making a donation. (Also, for anyone planning a RTW trip, his site is an excellent resource, with detailed budget and pre-trip info.)