Video of the Day – Musical Birds on Wires

This video has been making the rounds on the internet for about two years, but every time I watch, it brings a smile to my face.

In 2009, São Paulo based musician Jarbas Agnelli came across a photo in a newspaper of birds perched on electric wires. His musical curiosity took over, and he decided to find out if the birds created some sort of melody based on their positions on the wires. Sure enough, a surprisingly well constructed melody emerged, and Agnelli posted the final result in this video.

Agnelli later gave a talk at TEDx São Paulo to discuss the piece and has been interviewed with the original photographer, Paulo Pinto, in the same newspaper that the photo first appeared.

Perhaps you’ve caught a natural tune in one of your travel photos or video? Share it with us in the Gadling Flickr Group and it could be our next Photo / Video of the Day!

Arcade Fire video uses Google Maps to personalize ‘We Used to Wait’

Arcade Fire has taken the music video genre to a brand new level with their latest achievement: an interactive video/film by Chris Milk, entitled The Wilderness Downtown featuring “We Used to Wait.” This Arcade Fire video also features something you might not have expectd: the street where you grew up.

Milk, Arcade Fire and Google have teamed up to create something far more personal than say, Elf Yourself. By prompting you to enter the address of the house where you grew up, they are able to generate a music video which takes place on your street and features shots of your own house (if it’s still standing there — mine’s had a third garage added, I noticed).

We love this. We think it could do without all the random windows popping up, but understand the utility of that, as well. The song is perfect for a stroll down Memory Lane and the concept uses Google Maps in a way we had never imagined. For fun, why not enter in the address of a hotel where you’ve stayed and watch the video as it takes place somewhere across the world?

To experience this awesome internet collaboration, which debuted at the end of the summer but seems somehow more poignant around the holidays, visit The site is best viewed with Google Chrome.

[Photo via]

“I Don’t Like the TSA” song – music video going viral

Jonathan Mann doesn’t like the TSA, and he’s written a song to prove it. And it rhymes. Furthermore, the music video for the “I Don’t Like the TSA” song has totally made our morning.

The glory of Mann’s delightful rant is that it’s actually clever, and while it expresses a certain angst I think a lot of us have come to feel, it’s upbeat and fun. Bonus: it’s one of those songs that’s easy to dance to sitting down.

In recent weeks, perhaps in response to a mass sense of dread as holiday travel time approaches, there have been a number of attacks on the futility and invasiveness of the TSA. Our editor Grant Martin posted an article just yesterday suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the TSA isn’t that bad (Why you shouldn’t be concerned about airport x-rays and patdowns). Still, whether you want to freak out over x-rays or not is your own business.

Jonathan Mann wants you to. The video is somewhat hyperbolic (“if I refuse them groping me then they’ll treat me like a detainee”) and morphs into what seems like a serious PSA-style plea for consumer action, directing people to Is making a music video about hating the TSA an outlandish overreaction? Probably. But the call to action seems to be “an attempt to stop the ever increasing ridiculousness that is TSA regulation.” For frequent fliers, it’s hard to argue with that notion. There’s this ever-present worry about “what’s the TSA going to make us do next?”

So, have a watch. The lyrics are included after the jump for your singalong pleasure — and, you know, in case you want to print them out and start singing this in line at the airport over the holiday travel season. Good luck with that.

I Don’t Like the TSA – lyrics
by Jonathan Mann

I don’t like the TSA
I don’t see how they keep me safe
they scan me with their x-ray
then laugh at me when I’m at my gate

And if I refuse to show them my penis
then they insist on groping me
g-g-g-groping me
and if I refuse them groping me
then they’ll treat me like a detainee

I don’t like the TSA
taking off my shoes don’t keep me safe
they scan me with their x-ray
or they grope me which is not okay

Don’t get me wrong
this isn’t about the agents
’cause they’re just doing their jobs
this is about the policies
and companies that are profiting
and i question the safety
of bombardment with x-ray
maybe the government’s tests
we’re quite so accurate
they say the dose is .02
microseiverts but how much
is deposited in the skin?

And that’s why
I don’t like the TSA
I don’t see how they keep me safe
they can scan me with their x-ray
and then they’re laughing at me when I’m at my gate


I don’t like the TSA
I don’t see how taking my shoes off is keeping me safe
I don’t know why they gotta use that great big x-ray
and then they’re laughin’
they’re like “ha ha ha ha ha ha ha”
all the way down
the corridor … and stuff

[via @jetsetfarryn]

Galley Gossip: The official laviators music video!

Dear Heather,
My name is George, I am from Europe and I’m 19 years old. I know about your websites since a long time. Today I was browsing and I’ve discovered the pictures with the laviators. In the same time I was listening to a song and I’ve got inspired. I have a great idea of making a video with all your laviators and send it to you as gift. I will use the pictures only for you and me. I won’t publish it. If you want you can use it for your websites, I think everyone will like it as it’s kind of tribute or so. I’m sure it will be nice, great and fun. Please don’t break my heart and give me your accept. I will send you a sample first so you can decide what to do with it. It’s my gift, please accept it. : ) Thank you very much!

Kind regards,


PS I’ve never traveled by plane even if this was one of my dreams (include becoming a flight-attendant!) but I couldn’t afford a trip. I am fond of airlines. I know all the procedures. I have collections of airline newspaper advertisements and I have videos on YouTube as well. I once had a virtual airline…I love the crews. When I see an airplane my heart melts. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Fly beautiful!

Dear George,

Not only do I give you my accept, I LOVE IT! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t even tell you how much this video has made my day and I can’t wait to share it with all the other laviators! George, you are too kind. I really wish I could fly to wherever you are in Europe (Romania, I think) and give you a big fat hug.

Now we’ve got to figure out a way to get you on an airplane! SOON. I mean how can it be that someone like you, someone who absolutely loves everything about aviation, someone whose heart melts when he sees an airplane, has not yet flown! It’s just not right. Something must be done about this.

Again, thank you George.


For those of you who have absolutely no idea what this is all about, read my Galley Gossip post, the hottest trend on the airplane since the mile high club, as well as what MSNBC recently wrote, The New Mile High Club is “G” Rated . And then, next time you fly, don’t forget to pack a camera in a carry-on bag and whatever you do, don’t be afraid to get creative! Need a few photography tips before you slide the camera into the pocket and make a move to the lav? Check out what our very own Gadling photography expert, Karen Walrond, suggests when it comes to taking a self portrait. Until then, take the poll below and let me know which phrase you prefer on YOUR T-shirt…

