Dear Heather
came across your blog recently and I wanted to introduce you to our web site just in case you were not aware of it already. Our web site is really the first of its kind allowing Non Rev travelers to see flight schedules and more importantly, flight loads on over 130 airlines around the world. We obtain data from Sabre® global distribution system; interpret that date thru our complex formulas to put seat availability in to 1 of 5 easy to understand categories. Members who use our web site can search flights all over the world to plan their Non Rev travels or commutes. Once a member chooses the flight(s) they wish to Non Rev on, they can set up mobile and email alerts to keep them apprised of the latest loads. Since flight loads are quite dynamic and can change often before departure, it is important to keep informed of the latest loads. With our service, our members can easily choose to set up alerts from 24 hours up to 1 hour before departure thus keeping them updated while they go about their normal activities.
Dear Brad,
I haven’t had a chance to log in and check it out, but why use your site opposed to the one I normally use?
I am not sure what site you normally use, so I will have to give some general answers.
1. Most airline employee web sites only allow you to look up flight loads on your airline. For example, if you work for US Airways, you can look up your loads but you don’t have access to any other airline.
2. Following number one, who flies the same city pair you trying fly on? Our site allows you to see over 170 airlines around the world that fly that route. With that information at your finger tips you can choose the best option for you to non rev on. It might fit a better departure/arrival time for you or it might be a better load. Wouldn’t you rather fly on an empty airplane flown by another airline than be stuck in last row middle seat for a 5 or more hour flight? One of the most important rules to non reving is having back up plans.
5. Why other sites are inferior to ours:
- Have not been redesigned in ages so what does that say for the quality?
- Only 3 categories (smiley faces) while we have 5 easy to understand categories.
- Can not sign up for alerts. The only way to get updated info is to get back on the web site.
- No customer service.
- No listing phone numbers. We list Non Rev phone numbers next to every flight so if you need to call to list, you have easy access.
6. Non user friendly log in. You have to find/remember you companies log in. With our system you create your own profile.
- One stop source for weather, hotels, rental cars, cruises, destination information and other information.
- Zed calculator.
Hope this helps explain a little more of what we do.
Dear Brad,
Awesome web site! Nonrevs around the world are going to love it. Thanks for sharing. But…even though I am able to check loads on several different airlines, I’m unable to check on all airlines. What’s the deal?
Dear Heather,
There are a few airlines that do not participate with Sabre supplying enough data for us to determine loads. For those airlines we only show schedules. We do however provide passenger seat availability for over 130 airlines around the world. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask