Sure, you may fly 200,000 miles a year and may have reached top tier of your airline frequent flyer program. You’ve probably got the baggage tags, System Wide Upgrades, drink certificates and commemorative pens. You may even pop your collar every time you get onto the aircraft.
But you haven’t really dedicated yourself to your favorite airline until you paint your office in their color scheme. That’s what Flyertalk user jjglaze77 did when he moved into his new office building and discovered a few scrap airline seats left over. Moving them into his office, he decided that the best companions for the seats were a dark blue wall and Delta logos. As you can see, the room looks quite authentic — and he’s not even a Delta employee.
So next time one of you gives me crap about being such a super special flyer, you had better bring evidence. I’m not taking anyone seriously until I find out that their office has been remodeled.