Rock Star’s 25-Year Road Trip Brings Good TV

If anyone knows about a long road trip, in an RV, its a traveling rock star. In a new Travel Channel series, Poison frontman Bret Michaels will host Rock My RV, and eight-episode series in which custom RV designers and fabricators take standard factory-equipped recreational vehicles and turn them into “the most outrageous, badass, hooked-up mobile mansions on the road,” the network announced today.

“For the past 25 years, Bret Michaels has spent at least nine months out of the year in a tour bus that he personally designs from top to bottom,” Andy Singer, Travel Channel’s general manager, said in a statement reports RealityWorld.
Rock of Love star/Celebrity Apprentice winner Michaels will star in the Pimp My Ride-like series, slated to premiere in 2013, with production beginning next month.

This is not the first travel-related effort from Michaels. Back in December 2010, Gadling covered the Brett Michael’s Super Cruise, a four-day rock fest at sea that was to sail November 10, 2011. Carnival Destiny was to be home to fans of Michaels paying up to $3500 per person for a luxurious Grand Suite package that includes a private party with the rock star.

That was canceled. This one looks to be a natural for the 50 year-old Michaels.

“Between touring and traveling, I spend a lot of time on the road and my tricked-out, custom coach is my home away from home,” Michaels told RealityWorld. “I crisscross the country and live in my tour bus, and I know how to take an RV from ordinary to extraordinary. I can’t wait to put my expertise to use and show people how to make their RVs rock.”

Here’s more:

[Photo Credit: Flickr user Bobaloo Rox]

Young Tourists Killed In Vietnam In A Tragic Mystery

Last week, two young teachers were killed while on a weeklong trip to Nha Trang, Vietnam, in a tragic mystery.

According to, Canadian-born Cathy Huynh, 26, and American Karin Joy Bowerman, 27, fell ill only days apart from each other. Last Monday, Ms. Bowerman was taken to Khanh Province General Hospital for respiratory failure and a zero blood pressure. Only two days later, Ms. Huynh was taken to the same hospital for shock before going into cardiac arrest and passing away.

Authorities believe the friends, who were sharing a room at the Son and Daughter guesthouse, may have been poisoned. However, police are also speculating it may have been the result of drinking too much alcohol, a theory the women’s families are rejecting.

It is not yet known if autopsies have been completed.

The case resembles an incident in Thailand last year, where four tourists and a Thai guide died in northern Thailand’s Chiang Mai region over the span of five weeks. Investigators deemed the deaths a coincidence.

[Image via Arian Zwegers]

Queen Hatshepsut and the case of the poison skin cream

German archaeologists studying a skin cream once owned by Queen Hatshepsut have found evidence that the female pharaoh may have accidentally poisoned herself.

The tiny bottle, which has an inscription saying it was owned by Hatshepsut, was still partially filled with a substance that the archaeologists subjected to chemical analysis. It included nutmeg and palm oils, commonly used to soothe skin irritations. It also included benzopyrene, which smells nice but is highly carcinogenic. It’s found in burnt substances such as pitch, coal tar, cigarette smoke, and burnt foods such as barbeque and coffee. Keep that in mind this Labor Day Weekend.

In contrast to the idealized statue of Hatshepsut shown here, her mummy revealed that she was obese, had liver cancer, and probably suffered from diabetes.

Hatshepsut’s rule saw two decades of peace and ambitious trade expeditions as far as Puntland, which was probably in the modern unrecognized state of the same name. Her modern-looking temple at Deir el Bahri is one of Egypt´s most stunning attractions. You can reach it by bus, or if you’re feeling adventurous you can take a mountain path from the Valley of the Kings, which leads you to a cliff overlooking the temple before sloping down past the tombs of its builders and to the temple itself. I did this one August, which is not the best time. That was probably as bad for my skin as Hatshepsut’s skin cream.

[Photo courtesy Rob Koopman]

Toomer’s Corner trees poisoned at Auburn University

As far as college rivalries go, Auburn versus Alabama is as intense as they come. Duking it out on the football field, basketball court or in the natatorium is certainly appropriate. Furthermore, good old fashioned pranks are part of the college experience. However, poisoning 130-year-old trees is no laughing matter. That’s exactly what happened at Toomer’s Corner on the Auburn University campus. Toomer’s Corner is a site of celebration after Auburn football victories – students throw toilet paper on the trees which, in its own right, is an odd way to treat trees that you love so dearly. Now, however, thanks to vandals, these centenarian trees may be on their last legs roots.

Sports Illustrated reported on their website that police have arrested a suspect. The man was a caller on a local radio station who claimed that he poisoned the trees with a potent herbicide after Auburn beat Alabama in this year’s edition of their annual Iron Bowl football game. The caller – and self-professed tree murderer – said that he poisoned the trees and signed off call with “Roll Damn Tide,” a more aggressive iteration of Alabama’s Roll Tide chant.

Whether you’re an Auburn supporter, a high school student looking at potential colleges or just someone who loves trees, if you had plans to head to the university to see the old oaks in Toomer’s Corner, I suggest you do so in the very near future (or view them on the Toomer’s Corner live webcam). Scientists are, sadly, not optimistic about the fate of the trees.

Let’s support our teams in healthy ways, folks. Paint your faces, cheer until you’re hoarse or tailgate with as much barbecue as you can load into your pickup truck. But let’s not kill anything, human or otherwise. OK?

Photo by Flickr user Robert S. Donovan

Ask Gadling: What do you do when you get food poisoning while traveling?

No one wants to get sick while traveling. Unfortunately, sick happens – and it’s usually in the form of bad food caused by bad bacteria from things you just don’t want to know about. Food poisoning is no laughing matter, especially when you’re traveling, and while it usually when you least expect it the good news is you can prevent it (and usually cure it) with a few simple steps.

Most of the time, food poisoning is mild and goes away after a few days, but anyone who has suffered through it will tell you it’s miserable – and we agree. All you can do is wait for your body to rid itself of the germs causing the illness. However, food poisoning creeps up when you least expect it – would you know what to do if you suddenly get ill in a foreign country, or on a flight? While we can’t guarantee you won’t get sick while traveling, we can help you ease the pain with a few preventive measures, and some tips to quick healing if the worst should happen.

Disclaimer: We’re not doctors at Gadling; we’re seasoned travelers who have seen our way through some of the best – and worst – travel situations. The information in this article can offer tips on what to do if you get food poisoning (or something similar) while traveling, but should in no way replace the care you would receive from a medical professional. Call your doctor immediately if you get sick on the road.

[Photo from Flickr/ChicagoGeek]

What to do if you get food poisoning while traveling

View more Ask Gadling: Travel Advice from an Expert or send your question to ask [at] gadling [dot] com.
If you’ve had food poisoning you’re pretty well aware of how bad it can be – and we don’t need to go into details. The bottom line: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Your body loses a lot of water and fluid when you’re sick with food poisoning and the best thing you can do is replenish with water and/or sports drinks. Stay away from sodas and fruit juices – there are too many sugars in those drinks and it will have the reverse effect on your body.

Antibiotics are often used to treat food poisoning but can only be used if directed from your doctor. Some travelers do carry an antibiotic with them for this exact reason, but it’s best to check with your doctor before taking anything.

If you become seriously ill while traveling, your country’s embassy or consulate can help you find medical care. The CDC offers the following rules of advice for travelers who become sick on the road:
  • Travelers’ diarrhea is the most common illness when traveling. It typically starts abruptly but it runs it course. Most doctors recommend trying to keep to your normal diet as much as possible. Try drinking clear liquids and watch for signs of dehydration, such as a dry mouth and dark-colored urine. If possible, drink rehydration drinks to replace lost fluids and electrolytes.
  • The over-the-counter remedies like Pepto-Bismol and Imodium can sometimes prevent traveler’s diarrhea and ease the food poisoning pains. Follow the directions exactly.
  • Most cases of travelers’ diarrhea resolve within 1 to 3 days without medical treatment. See a doctor if diarrhea or vomiting doesn’t subside or you have a high fever.
  • For a complete list of embassies and consulates, see the U.S. Department of State Web site at You can also get the contacts for local doctors and medical clinics.
What to do if you get food poisoning in flight

Getting sick at 35,000-feet is one of the worst feelings; getting food poisoning at 35,000-feet is even worse. I was on an 8-hour flight to Rome when two hours into the flight it hit me – whatever I ate was bad, very, very bad. It might have been something I ate prior to the flight, or it might have been the airplane food (which looked to have been left over from the very first commercial airline flight) – either way, this was not going to be a fun a flight. Then the turbulence happened, and it got worse. On the flip side, I learned first-hand what to do when you get sick in flight:

Immediately alert a flight attendant. No one wants to be sick in the 2×2 lavatory at the back of the plane, but when you’re sick – you’re sick. The FAA allows passengers to be in the bathroom for 15 minutes before the flight attendants are allowed to come knocking. Mention your sick to a flight attendant and they’ll take care of you, including monitoring you in the bathroom to make sure you’re OK, and bend the 15-minute rule, if needed.

Water. Water. Water. NO Soda or fruit juice – too much sugar counteracts the rehydration.

Doctors recommend trying to eat normally as soon as possible, so ask the flight attendant for some crackers or pretzels.

If you’re stuck in your seat due to turbulence, there’s not much you can do but grab your air sickness bag and hope it doesn’t last long.

The bad news is that food poisoning takes a toll on your body, as does being up in the air. The good news is that once it makes its way through your system, it’s gone for good.

As soon as you land, stock up on sports drinks (Gatorade, Pedialyte, etc.) to try and regulate your body back to normal.

How can you prevent food poisoning?

While you can’t prevent what other people do, you can take steps to decrease your chances of getting food poisoning:
  • Wash your hands often and always before you touch food.
  • Don’t eat raw meat, poultry or fish if it’s not from a clean area. While raw food is a delicacy, in some parts of the world it’s not prepared according to standards. The basic rules apply here: if it doesn’t look right, don’t eat it.
  • Make sure that meat, chicken, fish, and eggs are fully cooked.
  • When in doubt, throw it out. If you are not sure if a food is safe, don’t eat it. This goes for our beloved “street meat” and off-the-cart food.
We hope you never get sick when traveling, but if you do, just remember to take it slow, give yourself time to rebound and drink plenty of water.

Gadling readers, we want to hear from you: Have you ever gotten food poisoning while traveling? What advice do you have for other travelers?

[Photo from Flickr/mr_t_77]