We each travel for different reasons, but for some travellers, a spectacular nightlife is a major draw to certain destinations. Which is why concierge.com sent a team of reporters out to find the 10 best nightspots in the world (man! I want that job … ) Here’s the list they came up with:
- Rooftop Cinema, Melbourne, Australia
- Cafe Cairo – Hamilton, Bermuda
- Melody Bar – Toronto, Canada
- Bar Yellow, Santiago, Chile
- Q Bar, Beijing, China
- Glamour Bar, Shanghai, China
- Monsoon, Shanghai, China
- 15cent15, Paris, France
- Cibeles, Mexico City, Mexico
- Terrasse, Renault, Mexico City, Mexico
Been to any of these places? Yeah, me neither, and I’ll probably never make it since I’m more of a fan of small, out-of-the-way, holes in the wall. But some of them sound kind of cool. To read about the picks more in-depth, click here.