Andy Warhol said that “In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.” Maybe so, especially if you live in tiny San Marino, population: 30,000. If you’ve ever dreamed of competing in the Olympics, the World Cup qualifying tournament or in the annual Eurovision song contest, consider trying to obtain citizenship in San Marino where your chances of representing the country on some sort of international stage are pretty good.
The country may have no stop lights and has won just one international soccer match in the last 22 years (against 106 losses) but with the release of its official Eurovision song contest entry for 2012 this week, it may have achieved a dubious distinction: world’s worst song contest entry.
Valentina Monetta’s “Facebook Uh Oh Oh” is a laughable, three-minute ode to the addictive power of the world’s most famous social media site.
Do you wanna be more than just a friend?
Do you wanna play cyber- sex again?
If you wanna come to my house, click me with your mouse….
So you wanna make love with me?
Am I really your cup of tea?….
Are you really a sex machine?
Or just some beauty queen?
One can’t help but wonder who she beat out to become San Marino’s official representative. But because Monetta mentions the word “Facebook” 11 times (and dresses up in Facebook’s colors to boot) in the song, it’s been banned from the contest for promoting a commercial interest. San Marino has until March 23 to remove the Facebook references or come to their senses and submit a new song for the contest, which runs from May 22-26 and is viewed by hundreds of millions around the world.
Either way, San Marino’s made a splash with this hideous entry. Their first Eurovision entry was in 2008 and has just over 8,000 views on You Tube, while Monetta’s abomination has nearly 150,000 in just a few days. What do you think of this song? Would you be ashamed if you were from San Marino?
Image via George May on Flickr.