Good morning readers! If you are reading this, you clearly made it through New Years Eve without too much damage. I’ll post quietly just in case your head isn’t quite with us yet. First of all, a very happy New Year to you all!
My daily deal for today is for an 8GB SD memory card from Newegg. 8GB is enough for about 3000 photos on most cameras, and the card is suitable for high speed transfers, which is perfect if your camera can shoot HD video.
The card is on sale for just $12.49, and ships for free. Memory cards are the one thing that did not go up (and down again) in price in 2008, and the price of these 8GB cards has plummeted in the past 12 months. My guess is that this spot next year will be advertising cheap 32GB cards.
Before you click “purchase”, please be sure to check whether your camera (or other device) is compatible with the new SDHC format. Virtually all cameras made in 2008 will be fine, but it pays to be sure, as not everything will be capable of working with this card.