Paddling South Georgia

I just did a quick survey of the stuff we’ve posted about lately and I realized that we…or that is I, since
this is a particular favorite activity of mine….have not posted nearly enough paddling stuff. I lay much of the blame
for this on old man winter. Face it, the last thing you want to do on a blustery day in the city is paddle up the Hudson
River. Wait, scratch that. That doesn’t actually sound so bad. Let me put it this way instead. It has been cold, so
we’ve focused more on winter sports like skiing, and come spring/summer will most certainly start doing more paddling
posts. There.

But that said, let me at least get this one out there. Here is a superb piece in Outside Magazine on
paddling South Georgia.

You know South Georgia right? From history class? South Georgia is the island the
Shackleton and his men landed on after just the first grueling leg of their epic and unimaginably awful trip to the far
south. Well, in the piece here a couple of Kiwis paddled solo around South Georgia Island, a truly massive feat. Read
the Outside piece and then head over to the expedition’s Web site.