Now more than ever, we all spend way too much time at our desks staring at computers. That means that we have less time for long walks, brisk jogs and other aerobic exercise. All of this leads to weight gain, diminishing health and lazy lifestyles. With winter just around the corner, exercising outdoors becomes more challenging. That means that we have to get more creative about how we find time to take care of ourselves. Longtime fans of SkyMall Monday know that we’re huge proponents of fitness equipment that can be used to build muscle at the office and increase cardiovascular health at our desks. That’s why we’re not the least bit surprised and couldn’t possibly be more excited to see that SkyMall has once again made exercising at the office easy, fun and completely normal. The next time you’re whiling away the hours at your desk, leave the snacks in your drawer and instead use the time to get into shape with the Sit Fit Exercise Device.Many people spend more time at work than they do in their homes. How are we supposed to take care of ourselves when we’re stuck at the office for hours on end? It’s time to start multitasking at work (and I’m not talking about playing Minesweeper while you’re on a conference call). Exercising while working is simply the best way to be productive and healthy.
Think that working out while at work is unprofessional? Believe that sweating on your TPS reports is unsanitary? Well, while you wipe down your equipment, we’ll be reading the product description:
The Sit Fit is designed to be used while sitting. Watch TV or use your computer and get a low-intensity aerobic exercise to help weight loss, burn calories and increase blood circulation.
Until you learn to type with your feet, you might as well use them to exercise while your upper body continues to be your body’s breadwinner. You should also upgrade to a transparent desk.
If you’re confused about how the Sit Fit works, the good folks at SkyMall were kind enough to post a video on their site demonstrating the device. Sadly, I have some bad news: the video cannot be embedded here on Gadling. The good news is that I found a version of the video on YouTube that can be embedded. The best news is that the only embeddable version of the video that I could find is in Spanish!
Thankfully, you only need to see the Sit Fit in action to understand that it’s the best workout that your legs could possibly get while under a desk. Stop making exasperated faces and wild gesticulations at your desk because you’re tired of sitting still.
Check out all of the previous SkyMall Monday posts HERE.