Why tourists are a good thing

A tremendous amount of space on the internet has been wasted on the Tourists versus Travelers debate. We’ve been known to touch on it here at Gadling from time-to-time. But, at the end of the day, it’s all wasted breath and pissing contests. To the people who stand on soapboxes of “authenticity,” have you ever stopped to think that tourists are a good thing? That tourism is beneficial to local people and culture? That there’s room in the travel landscape for differing approaches, ideologies and perspectives? At the end of the day, tourists are a good thing.

Shocked to read that statement? You shouldn’t be. Putting the pithy debate aside, there are simple positive facts about tourists that are undeniable. You don’t have to like them. You don’t have to travel like they do. Heck, you can keep blogging with an elitist tone against them for all we care. But their existence makes life better for everyone.Those fanny packs carry wallets

Tourists spend money. They pay sales tax and hotel taxes. They pay for admission to museums, purchase meals at restaurants and tip cab drivers. That money goes back to local governments where it is spent on programs that benefit locals. It funds the upkeep of those museums, allows the owners and staff at those restaurants to put food on their own tables and helps the cabbies make a decent living to support their families.

Appreciating the unappreciated

Quick, name the last museum or major attraction that you visited in your hometown. Do you even remember when you went there? We tend to overlook the places that make our hometowns special. Ask a New Yorker when he last went to the Statue of Liberty or the American Museum of Natural History and you are likely to hear tales of elementary school field trips. The places that people list when asked why their city is worthy of respect are the same places that locals tend to neglect. You know who doesn’t neglect them? Tourists. While locals are busy either living their day-to-day lives or feeling too smug to go to the “touristy parts of town,” visitors are enjoying fantastic views, brilliants works of art and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Everyone deserves a break

Sure, you enjoy exploring lost civilizations, eating unusual foods and collecting stamps in your passport. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Heck, we love that stuff, too. But, some people just want to escape their lives for a week, unplug and relax. Don’t those people deserve to take a week off of work, go on a cruise or hang out on South Beach without being judged? No one is making you travel in any way other than how you enjoy it. Let others do the same. If someone’s definition of a good time is skipping out of work for a week to take their kids to Disney World, more power to them!

Bragging rights

You know how New Yorkers act as if we live in the center of the universe? You know where that attitude comes from? When we travel to other places, people are always eager to ask us about New York. Or they tell us about the time they visited New York. Or they speak enthusiastically about how badly they want to go to New York. It’s an ego boost. Having people adore your hometown is wonderful. This phenomenon is by no means unique to to New York. The people of Chicago wanted to host the 2016 Summer Olympics so badly because they wanted to show off their city for the whole world to see. South Africa is bursting at the seams with pride as they ready to welcome the world for the 2010 World Cup. Every town, city and country holds its proverbial head up hight when they see visitors enjoying themselves. It’s why tourism boards exist. It’s why towns host festivals. We’re all proud of where we live and we want other people to know why. Tourists are those other people.

It’s all travel

My childhood trips were to all-inclusive Caribbean resorts, Disney World, visits to my grandparents and other good old-fashioned family vacations. And you know something – I loved those trips. I remember them fondly. I wish I could go on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride again. It was way more fun than some of the things I’ve experienced as a “traveler” in far away lands. Those touristy trips helped shape who I am and, perhaps more importantly, gave me quality time with my family. I may travel differently now than I did as a child, but I enjoy and appreciate those differences and what I’ve experienced because of them.

You have to start somewhere

If you still think that travelers are better than tourists, consider this: were you savvy, worldly and cultured when you took your first trip? Or did you carry a large map in your backpack, get frustrated by cultural differences and scope out the top five things listed in your guidebook? Not everyone is born ready for an immersion experience when they travel. For some, simply getting on a plane or spending time away from home is a huge step that is not taken lightly. Being a tourist comes more naturally to people. Being a “citizen of the world” takes experience, confidence and trust. Not everyone gets there. Not everyone wants to.

It’s so crowded, no one goes there anymore

Yogi Berra summed it up as only he can. No one likes crowds when they’re traveling. The “travelers” of the world often eschew the hot spots listed in guidebooks and tourist areas because of the crowds. They avoid tours, ignore landmarks and stick to the fringe while judging those who wait in lines with the masses. But what if those masses suddenly all became “travelers?” The fringe would get awfully crowded. The fact that people have varying interests keeps everyone dispersed. If we all did the same thing – be it the touristy activities or the “authentic” adventures – we’d all be stuck in the very crowds that we loathe.

There’s a gray area

Why can people only be a traveler or a tourist? Can’t you go off on wild adventures, eat bizarre foods and then also climb the Eiffel Tower or gawk at Times Square? Who among us hasn’t purchased a kitschy souvenir that we’ve gone on to cherish? Or taken a picture with our waiter at some campy restaurant? The traveler-tourist debate isn’t about some linear spectrum of authenticity. If anything, it’s a Venn diagram. There’s overlap. Because, at the end of the day, both groups are going places and experiencing new things. There is a common ground and it’s a pretty fertile ground if you asked me.

Tourism is a good thing. It feeds city coffers, puts money in locals’ pockets and allows people to escape their troubles and simply relax.

Rather than judging others and assigning gravitas to various types of travel, it’s time that we embraced everyone under one tent. Tourists aren’t bad. They’re people living their lives and having a lot of fun doing it. Besides, we’re all tourists at some point. Usually it’s when we’re walking slowly and taking a picture of a street sign. That’s when we’re annoying. But the pictures are fun.

Ten ways to deal with culture shock

Traveling to other countries can be an exhilarating and wonderful experience. When it is, treasure those moments and take lots of pictures. When it isn’t… it’s usually because you’ve suddenly realized you’re “not in Kansas anymore.” What felt exotic from your original home suddenly feels “weird,” “uncomfortable,” or “downright annoying” now that you’re in this new culture. Don’t let these down feelings get the best of you and ruin what could be an otherwise life-changing experience. Here are ten ways to deal with culture shock before and after it happens.

Get an “informant” (make friends with someone from the foreign-to-you culture).
This can be the most important thing for surviving another culture, especially if this person becomes a close and trusted friend. This informant becomes the go-to when something happens that you can’t make sense of, or if you have questions about what’s appropriate or not. It’s like having a “local culture dictionary” — and can be vital for your sanity’s survival.

Get a same culture buddy (make friends with someone from your own culture).
This helps in having someone who either is going through or has recently gone through a lot of the shocks you are currently enduring. You can vent with someone who knows what a public restroom should look like. Just be careful not to let it slide into a “hate everything about this country” session.
Every day make yourself find something that you like about the culture
Celebrating the good of the new culture can help take some of the edge off the things you see as bad. Think of it as the things you’ll miss when you go back home; and as hard as it is to believe at times of heavy culture shock, there will be plenty of things that you miss one day. Bonus: when you can find a positive aspect to the “squatty potty,” then you know you’ve made progress.

Be a tourist
Plan time to do the cheesy touristy things that the locals wouldn’t be caught dead doing. It helps to be an outsider sometimes, because you can find wonder in things the locals don’t even notice anymore. Sad to say, but once you see it day in and day out, those majestic mountains become just common place. So, before it becomes mundane to you too, stand in wonder at the wonders of the world. Extra points if you take a local with you and make him/her be your “tour” guide.

Do something that takes courage every day
Eleanor Roosevelt is famous for saying this, and it’s good advice to take. Besides, it’s actually not that hard to do when you are somewhere foreign. Adventure surrounds you in another culture — big and little. Taking courage can simply mean going to the market by yourself, but if you see it as an adventure, rather than a chore that will take you three times as long as it does in your own culture, you may actually find yourself having fun.

Do something familiar
Figure out how to make your favorite food and do so often. Watch your favorite movies. Listen to music that makes you feel good in your own language. Have people over to celebrate your home culture’s holidays your way. Sometimes you just need to close your eyes and hear, smell, taste the things that are home to you. It’s amazing how good mac n’ cheese can taste when you no longer have easy access to it.

Go for walks

Spend time exploring on foot. In your own culture, you take for granted how the trash is picked up, how the mail is delivered, the colors that the houses are painted, etc. Take time in this new culture to figure out how the minutia of life gets done and being on foot helps you to notice the little details, plus it gets you out of the house for a little exercise.

There’s no better place to get it all out then on the pages of a book that no one else will see. It will also help for you to look back on it and see how far you’ve come, the humor in situations that weren’t humorous at the time, and how you can help other newbies as they have the same problems. Consider taking this journal and sharing it in a blog form to help others as they transition, but be careful to gain some perspective before doing so. If you’re in the ugly depths of culture shock, you may really hurt the local people with your mad ravings. Wait until you’ve cooled off; you’ll be glad you did.

Ask for packages from home
Ask someone–anyone–from home to send you the taco mix, chips, chapstick, shampoo, and wool socks that you can’t find anywhere. It’s amazing how great it is just to get a little care package with a few of your favorite candies, spices, drink mixes, t-shirts, scarves, etc. If you don’t have anyone to ship them to you, then see if you can find a company that ships overseas. It may be a bit pricey, but it’s worth it to have a few pieces of home every once in awhile.

Do your research
Know what you’re getting into before you go, or if you didn’t before, then do it now. Research the web, buy some books, watch local movies, and learn the language. It will help you have some idea what you’re getting yourself into. Note on learning the language: it will be hard at times and you’ll feel like a two-year-old babbling incoherently, but not only will you gain a lot of insight into the culture by learning the language, you will also be able to function better. So, be prepared to look foolish and give it a try.

The tourist vs. traveler one-upmanship game

Forget beautiful sights and friendly locals, the real joy of travel is proving you’re a rugged, independent traveler and the rest of the backpackers at your whites-only youth hostel are simple tourists. Here’s a game you can play to determine which of your travel companions rivals are worthy travelers and which are embarrassing poseurs who should really have stayed at home. The rules are simple: first make sure you aren’t automatically disqualified, then each person goes through the list, adds up their score, and compares it with the other players on the table at the end.

Automatic disqualifiers

* Going with a package tour
* Staying at a hotel with more than one star
* Having anything other than a backpack as luggage


* Using the Lonely Planet: zero points (everyone else does)
* Not using the Lonely Planet: -10 points
* Traveling third class to save a dollar: +10 points
* Spending an extra two bucks to travel in first class: -10 points
* Hitching: +15 points
* Having a cool piece of gear nobody else does: +5 points
* Not giving to beggars: +5 points
* Shouting at beggars: +15 points
* Not buying something you really want because you couldn’t haggle the price down another three cents: +5 points
* Lecturing a fellow foreigner with material you learned from the Lonely Planet: +5 points
* Lecturing a local with material you learned from the Lonely Planet: +10 points
* Teaching a fellow foreigner a word in the local language: +1 per word
* Loudly correcting their pronunciation: +2 per word, +5 if you don’t know them and you’re shouting across a restaurant
* Dressing in traditional local clothing: +5 points
* Dressing in traditional local clothing even though everyone under 50 wears jeans and a t-shirt: +10 points
* Visiting more countries than your opponent: +1 per country
* Staying at a cheaper hostel than your opponent: +5 points
* Staying at a cheaper hostel than your opponent, and it serves awesome pizza: +10 points
* Being American: -5 points, unless you have a Canadian flag on your backpack
* Admitting your parents are paying for the trip: -5 points

Results table
You and your opponent add up your points and check the table below. If you have:* 20 or more points than your opponent: You win!!! You’re a real traveler and they’re just a common tourist. You don’t get to brag, though, because they’re beneath your notice.

* 10 to 19 more points than your opponent: You are a real traveler and they’re a wannabe traveler. Congratulations, you get the right to lecture them!

* Fewer than 10 more points than your opponent: Same as above, but don’t travel with them because they might win the next time you play. Sneer, and then never speak to them again.

* Equal number of points: Invite them to travel with you and play again. Do anything you can to beat them!
* 1 to 9 points fewer than your opponent: Start lying to make up points.

* 10 to 19 points fewer than your opponent: Move out of the hostel in the middle of the night and go somewhere your opponent has already visited. That way you can start again with your reputation intact.

* 20 or more points fewer than your opponent: Hang your head in shame and book a package tour.


Share postcards from YOUR hometown – International travel tip

Whenever I travel overseas, I always pack a stack of postcards from North Carolina and my hometown, Asheville, located in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains.

The postcards show beautiful scenery, and they pinpoint a location some non-Americans might be unfamiliar with. By sharing my postcards, anyone can start a generic conversation (e.g., “This is where I live…”) and go from there.

Bonus: by giving someone a postcard, it becomes a souvenir from our meeting. Add your contact info on the back, and you can always stay connected.

Exchange traveler’s checks before going to dinner – International travel tip

When dining in a foreign country, exchange your traveler’s checks for local currency before going to a restaurant.

While traveler’s checks are pretty much accepted everywhere, don’t expect the restaurant employees to be adept at exchange rate calculation.

My best friend and I learned this the hard way dining at our first restaurant in Europe. We received far less change than we were owed and couldn’t communicate well enough to explain the problem. That, or we were taken advantage of. Either way, we didn’t make that mistake again!