Everything changed for me when I discovered Tumblr. It was a little over a year ago. I found myself perusing blog after blog, following them, and finding myself fascinated with my own little dashboard each day. Like a mix between Twitter and Google Reader, I’d found my favorite place to hole up on the internet and it was customized specifically for me. In no time, I found myself inspired enough by the Tumblr community to hurl myself into a project for 2010–a project that involved me releasing 52 songs throughout the year; one per week.
Now that the obsessive project has come to an end… I still love Tumblr. And of all Tumblr blogs I look forward to checking in with each time I get a chance, including those featuring brooding vintage fashion models, the Tumblr Travel blogs are conclusively my favorite. If you’re into travel, namely brilliant travel photos and engaging travel stories, you’ll addict yourself to Tumblr. My favorite travel blogs are always changing–it’s easy to discover new sources of inspiration on Tumblr. But here’s my current top 5 (in the order they come to mind).
1. Landscape, Lifescape
Best for: jaw-dropping photos that’ll make you want to go everywhere and see everything.
2. Three Guys Heading West
Best for: from-the-road pictures brought to you by, you guessed it, three guys heading west.
3. Wiseash
Best for: NYC moments captured as they happen.
4. Tiny World
Best for: Cool videos highlighting cities across the globe.
5. The World We Live In
Best for: Beautiful and emotionally-charged photos from all over.
[photo by Elizabeth Seward]