Worst Case Scenarios

Though you probably won’t ever need to land a plane, escape from a sinking car, or fend off an attacking shark, Worst Case Scenarios has the details available for you, in case you need them.

From the team that brought the world The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook (and the many, many spin-offs), this online resource is available to soothe the fears of even the most nervous adventurer. (Either that, or it’ll keep you up at night, worrying about whether you’ve correctly remembered the steps for stopping bleeding caused from a bullet wound.) Among the most useful travel-related scenarios:

And my favorite: How to foil a UFO abduction. Because that happens almost every time I’m on the road.

MSN’s 10 Places to Get Spooked

BOO! Halloween is now only a week away and it is time for some real trip planning if you have yet to begin. If you’re too embarrassed to go cruise your home digs in costume with a begging bag in hand consider some of these ghostly destinations provided by MSN. Start with a trip down to the legendary Bermuda Triangle known for making many a vessel disappear while sailing the sea span between Miami, Bermuda and San Juan, P.R. If taking to the seas on one of the creepiest nights of the year doesn’t give you goose-pimples try a visit to the city of Salem, Mass., where the famous witch trials took place in 1692. All month long Salem makes the most of its utterly gruesome past by hosting several ghost tours, street fairs and costume balls. In all honesty Salem looks like one of the best places to head too if you’re really wrapped into this stuff. Other stops include Roswell, London’s Ghost Walk and Transylvania of course. Having been to Transylvania before, I say skip the expensive plane ride over and again, head to Salem.

See MSN for the spooky rest.