Cities are not really that much fun in the winter. Winter is meant to be enjoyed in the mountains, in warm rustic cabins or, for those who are averse to the cold, on the beach in the Caribbean. Other than some quaint holiday decorations, cities are pretty devoid of winter perks. Snow turns black pretty quickly, slush makes walking around difficult and buildings create wind tunnels. All in all, winter in cities kind of sucks.
As we hunker down for winter, this photo by Flickr user Mike GL has me planning for ways to get out of New York City at some point over the next few months. Simply enduring wintery urban life doesn’t sound all that fun when I could be snowshoeing someplace way more scenic.
Taken any great winter photos during your travels? Why not add them to our Gadling group on Flickr? We might just pick one of yours as our Photo of the Day.