Video of the Day – Inside North Korea

North Korea is undoubtedly the most difficult country in the world to gain access to, especially if you’re a journalist aiming to produce a video about the reclusive nation. For months, the travel bad boys over at corresponded with North Korea’s representatives to arrange a guided tour of the infamous Mass Games.

After being selected as one of the only groups to cover the event, VBS Founder Shane Smith and director Eddy Moretti were taken on a journey that gets more bizzarre by the minute. From the streets of Pyongyang, to the International Friendship Museum, to deserted banquet halls – it’s worth watching the entire series to get a rare look at a country that rarely exposes itself to the world.

Do you have clips from an epic investigation of your own? Found a video online that inspires you to travel? Share it with us in the comment section below and it could be our next Video of the Day!

Photo of the day – Lunch in Serbia

One of the best parts of traveling is indulging in a few vices. The “hey, I’m on vacation!” attitude enables you to order dessert, have a glass of wine with lunch, and not worry about the calories you’re taking in, especially as you figure you’ll burn them off walking around museums or hiking the countryside. This photo by Flickr user eolone in Serbia shows some of the best travel food groups: the sausage group, the fried group, even the “hey, I’m in Europe!” tobacco group. Just switch out the water for a beer and you’d have the perfect guilt-free (for now) vacation meal.

Enjoy any food vices on your last trip? Take a photo for our Gadling Flickr group and it could be our next Photo of the Day!

The Vice Guide to Travel: Congo, Chernobyl, Beirut, and More!

VICE magazine is an offbeat, irreverent, uber-eccentric street magazine/media empire. Among its many side projects is a DVD series, featuring short documentaries arranged around a different theme. For their most recent DVD, the group from the Vice Guide to Travel went to the kinds of places that nobody wants to visit. Heading to such far-flung locales as the Pygmy villages of the Congo, the radioactive ruins of Chernobyl, and the bomb-pocked refugee camps of Beirut, the “correspondents” from Vice magazine are a fruit roll-up of Jackass, Borat, and Robert Young Pelton.

While I admire the chutzpah of these guys, you gotta wonder how much of it is fiction, how much of it is idiocy, and how much is out-and-out nerves of steel. Check out the trailer from the DVD, which’ll run you $20. Money well spent? Depends on if you like sitting around with a furrowed brow and your mouth hanging wide open in disbelief.

To see a few more clips from the DVD, head to YouTube.