The Great Wall of China isn’t just for visiting and photographing–it’s for dancing. Today’s Video of The Day showcases YouTube user WHZGUDZ busting moves on the Great Wall of China, literally. The song, “Russian Lullaby” by Butch Clancy, certainly adds to the overall effect of this video, but it’s captivating even with the sound turned off. The striking juxtaposition in this video is what caught my eye. A stylish, young, male dancer brings life into what looks to be a silent and still day in China, ridden with low-laying fog. This video showcases the landscape surrounding one of the world’s greatest tourist attractions while displaying a performance that puts things in perspective a bit.
The Great Wall of China is over 2,000 years old. Many people from across the globe have visited this spot, all hailing from varying cultures, which include, among other things, varying styles of dress and dance. This dancer featured in the video is not, I am sure, the first person to dance on the Great Wall, nor will he be the last. He is one of many and that, in itself, is a testament to the beauty of the Great Wall, standing strong as styles and people alike come and go.