Three travel ideas from the ITB Berlin Travel Show

More than 11,000 exhibitors from 187 countries tried to make their mark at the 2009 ITB Berlin Travel Show. They showcased wines, highlighted unique local attractions and generally tried to show that they are the best places in the world for tourists to spend their hard-earned cash. Travel+Leisure tried to describe the industry’s hottest trends, but the article really came across as “here are a few cool things I noticed.” So, I took the coolest of the cool, below:

1. Get healthy
Plenty of destinations offer spas, yoga and fitness options – sometimes using them to theme an entire resort. But, that’s thinking small. Go all the way with medical tourism, and call those DDs your own in an overseas clinic. Before you develop visions of hacksaws and cigarettes over the operating table, some of these surgical getaways are in upscale facilities.

Hey, it’s up to you. Roll the dice.

2. Hearken back to the Cold War
Screw traditional cruise liners in favor of Soviet-era ships pushing down the Volga River. Praise Lenin, listen to a balalaika and drink Russian Standard vodka (quite good, actually). Lament how long it will take for the dictatorship of the proletariat to emerge.

There are other unusual cruise options out there as well – such as one in Laos that takes 28 passengers into a once inaccessible piece of the Mekong River from Vientiane.

3. Watch a new nation rise
Kosovo doesn’t have much to say for itself except that you should be patient, because the country’s just getting started. So, if you go there now, you’re getting in on the ground floor. Get to know the concierge. Tip him well. You’ll become a national hero.

How to spend your time in Todos Santos, Mexico

Todos Santos, once Baja’s sugarcane capital, is a small town located about an hour outside of Cabo San Lucas. Known for its laid back vibe, great surfing and large artisan community, this small pueblo has managed to retain some authenticity in spite of the huge growth of tourism here in the last 15 years.

We chose to settle here for a few months so we could complete a work project before continuing on our drive. When we were looking for a place to stay we knew that a city like Cabo San Lucas was not for us, but realized the benefits of being close to a bigger city. With Todos Santos located only an hour away from Cabo, it was pretty much the perfect fit. So far it has been great; it’s easy to work here and, for a relatively small town, there is quite a bit to do. Those who prefer activity packed vacations will probably prefer to only spend a day or two here. But for the more laid back traveler who prefers to mosey through their holiday time Todos Santos offers a great mix of activities and allows for ample down time.

Here is what you can do in Todos Santos:


Learn to surf at Los Cerritos
The most popular beach in Todos Santos is Los Cerritos, which has a small beach club and restaurant on-site. With small waves and a sandy bottom this is the ideal beach to try your hand at surfing. Surfboards, skim boards, wetsuits, boogie boards and other water gear can be rented from either El Diablo Blanco Surf shop or Costa Azul’s small surf kiosk. One thing to be aware of at this beach is the rip tide which tends to carry one out to the rocks. Try to stay in front of the beach club when you are in the water to avoid getting too close to the rocks. This rip varies in strength daily. The road to Los Cerritos is located at km 64 and is marked with a sign, take a right and follow the road straight to the beach.

Relax in the Sun at Las Palmas
The very bumpy road located off the Highway 19, across from Campo Experimental at km 57 (all kilometers are marked in Baja Mexico), takes you to this secluded beach which is great for sunning and swimming. There are rip tides in the area and swimming is safest in the middle of the beach. This beach is open from 6am to 9pm daily. Be sure to lock your car and don’t bring any valuables as break-ins have occurred here.

Buy Fresh Fish at Punta Lobos

Also referred to as the fisherman’s beach, you can get to this beach by turning off the highway at km 54, watch for the old cannery to make sure you are on the right route. Between 1:00pm and 3:00pm, you can watch the fisherman return in their panga boats with the catch of the day. If you feel like a cooking adventure you can purchase fresh fish from one of the two fishing cooperatives in the area.

Watch Serious Surfers at San Pedrito

Unless you are a pro surfer you probably won’t be surfing this beach. Big breaks and a rocky bottom are a lethal combination for the beginner surfer. However, it is a nice beach to sit and relax on while admiring others, with much better surfing skills, take to the waves. To get here, take highway 19 out of Todos Santos and turn right at about km 60 (you will see the San Pedrito RV Park sign, this is where you need to turn.)

Getting to any of these beaches requires a car. There is a Budget Car Rental office in Todos Santos or, if you’d prefer not to bother with renting a vehicle, taxi rides to any of the beaches can easily be arranged. Don’t forget to arrange a pick up time as well!

Yoga: Stretch it out (if you can)

During high season, December to April, there are a variety of yoga classes available daily at La Arca, the community center which is located on Topete Street. Classes range in price from $50 Pesos ($5 US) to a donation (we tend to donate $50 pesos). You might want to find out how long classes run for, Tom and I learned this the hard way after a 2 hour yoga class which definitely stretched some muscles we both hadn’t used for a long time. The yoga class schedule can be found in the local publication El Calendario.

Like most tourist towns you will find an array of Mexican arts and crafts, all of which have been imported from the mainland. There are about 15 shops all carrying the same things, ceramics, cheesy t-shirts, shot glasses, tequila, silver jewelery and vanilla. But ,if you are looking for something that is actually made in the Baja region, try the small pottery shop right beside the bookstore called Catalina. Kathy, the owner, sells ceramic cookware handmade by local women who live in the Baja Mountains. These pots can be put directly onto stove-tops as well as in the oven and are extremely easy to cook with. If you have friends who are foodies these will make an impressive gift.

El Tecolote bookstore should be the first stop on your shopping expedition. If you are looking for a good read, books on Baja, postcards or little gifts this is the place to be. Traditions, a little arts and crafts store tucked away in the back of the bookstore, offers Mexican art from all over. If you need to know anything, Janet, El Tecolote’s owner, is the woman to ask. She will be more than happy to help you find whatever you need. But be careful as an avid dog-lover and dedicated animal rescue worker she might just try and send you home with a new pet.

Tour the Galleries

As an artist town, Todos Santos has many galleries full of everything from paintings to handmade copper work. Galeria Indigo, found on the main street, has a nice selection of work and Gallery de Todos Santos displays work by local Baja artists. For a list of all galleries click here.

Book a Local Tour
Fishing, surfing, hiking, visiting mountain potters, horseback riding and Sea Turtle eco-tours are just some of the activities are offered by most of the tour companies in Todos Santos. You will definitely pay a hefty fee to partake in these groups but it is a great way to explore the area if you have limited time. Try Todos Santos Eco Adventures or La Sirena Kayak and Surf Rental.

Todos Santos is generally pretty quiet after about 9pm, well if you discount the roosters and dog fights. But The Sandbar, in Pescadero (about 10 minute drive away at km 63, just off Highway 19), is a good place to hang out on Friday and Saturday nights. The young overly energetic bartender pours strong drinks and local reggae band, KL, gets crowds grooving on Friday nights. If you really need to get out there and party rent a car, and head to La Paz to experience some authentic salsa clubs….you might want to brush up on your dance moves first.


“No Wrong Turns” chronicles Kelsey and her husband’s road trip — in real time — from Canada to the southern tip of
South America in their trusty red VW Golf named Marlin.

No Wrong Turns: Staying Fit on the Road

Traveling often involves lugging around a heavy backpack and suffering from a variety of stomach illnesses. This combination usually keeps the ol’ waistline in check, even though it might not be the healthiest way.

I am a bit of a fitness nut…hold the eye-rolling for a sec, I have a valid reason. I studied Kinesiology in university and have seen firsthand the benefits of an active lifestyle and the effects of an unhealthy one. Plus, I really do like how I feel after a workout. OK now you can roll your eyes.

When we started to plan our driving adventure I began to wonder about how I could maintain my fitness level since I knew we would be spending a lot of time sitting in the car. I decided to pack some gear that would assist me in the quest for fit travel. My fitness bag includes:

  • running shoes
  • a set of workout clothes
  • a resistance band
  • a binder with a few workout routines I like in it
  • an exercise DVD

I whole-heartedly believe that you can be fit without having a gym membership; I think it is just a little harder. One can run pretty much anywhere, though at times you will get odd looks from the locals and you might have to out run a dog or two. If you have your computer, as I do, you can play a workout DVD anywhere, all you need is a little space. And if push comes to shove a few old-school exercises, like sit-ups and push-ups, will do the trick.

One of my cousins is a personal trainer and recommended to me. It brings fitness to you, anywhere in the world. You can choose to focus on activities you prefer, like circuit training or yoga. There are personal trainers available to help motivate you and a slew of exercise videos available for download, for a small fee. Load these videos to your ipod and you can literally work out anywhere anytime. A large fitness community can be found here which provides support and assistance for those looking to start a fitness routine or those looking for new exercise ideas.

Though I just about upchucked my breakfast after my first workout in about a month. I have decided to shoot for cardio workouts three times a week and I will be attempting to surf soon, which should add up to about three weeks worth of exercise and two months worth of saltwater burps.

All in the name of a healthy lifestyle.

“No Wrong Turns” chronicles Kelsey and her husband’s road trip — in real time — from Canada to the southern tip of South America in their trusty red VW Golf named Marlin.

Laughter Yoga Takes To The Ocean Waves

It sounds like it’s been a stressful time to be a traveller in the United States across recent months. If it’s any consolation, we’re getting more used to travel delays in New Zealand, but I’m sure it’s nothing in comparison to what Stateside travellers have to put up with.

Back in June we reported on marie claire’s guide to Global Stress Busters. Included in the mix was Laughter Yoga which promotes the benefits of having a damn good belly laugh. The movement of mirth has spread to 5000 clubs in more than 40 countries, and on November 24 a special Laughter Yoga cruise leaves Miami to chuckle through the Caribbean and maybe lose it totally in the Lesser Antilles.

The downside is you’ll probably still have to negotiate the American aviation system to get to Miami. Some things just aren’t very funny.

Thanks to Laughter Yoga for the pic.

Shape’s Top 25 Stay-Fit Travel Tips

In addition to travel, I’m also passionate about healthy living and that’s why this article caught my eye. It’s a list of Shape Magazine’s Top 25 Healthy Travel Tips. There’s some good ones in there, including my favourites:

  • Be a picky eater: When I was in Australia recently, I took a lot of long bus trips, which included stopovers at greasy spoon-esque diners. Now, I’m not a food snob, and can usually find something I like. But I gave up after the ‘chicken’ I ate at Matilda’s Roadhouse in Kybong clearly wasn’t chicken — or edible, for that matter. Seriously, it’s better to go hungry than to end up sick on the bus.
  • Take a brisk walk around the airport before your flight: This is especially important if you’re going on a long flight. I usually do some yoga moves before a long flight. Yeah, I get funny looks, but so what!
  • Check with your gym: Chances are they have a deal with other gyms in other cities that will allow you to workout wherever you go.
  • Bring the workout with you: You don’t have to carry dumbbells around in your suitcase, but a few resistance bands will work wonders on the road — if you find the motivation to use them, that is.
  • Buy new workout clothes: If you plan on shopping at your destination, be sure to make an extra purchase: workout clothes. If you’re like me, you’ll want to try them on– and out — right away.