America’s Most Haunted: Happy Halloween!

Having spent my summers next door to a famously hanted house, I’ve had some irritating
experiences with ghost hunters, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a good haunting just as much as the next
adventurer. Troy Taylor, ghost hunter and (naturally) author of the Ghost Hunter’s Guidebook, has
compiled an excellent list on his site of the most
haunted places in the USA. 

The list includes the Gettysburg Battlefield, where soldiers are said to walk the grounds, the town and it’s houses;
Alcatraz, haunted by former inmates; and, err, Bobby Mackey’s Music World in Wilder, Kentucky. The last is allegedly
the site of a satanic cult, a grusome beheading, several bar-room fatalities, and a legendary murder trial. And,
obviously, a veritable marching band of phantoms.

If I had to choose, though, I’d take #3 on the list, New Orleans, over Wilder, Kentucky any day. It has better
ghosts, not to mention better hotels. But if any of those locations are a bit far afield for your
trick-or-treat rounds, the adorably named Ghost in My Suitcase
maintains a list of haunted travel guides on Amazon, organised by state. You may be suprised to find a Home for
the Un-Dead much closer to you than you think!