Rafting the Grand Canyon

The Gould family is fond of putting their
adventures online, from hiking to snorkling. Their biggest
adventure to date is 16-day rafting trip through the Grand Canyon with plenty of hiking and camping as a bonus. Along
the way, the get a a uninque and personal view of the canyon, very different from that of the legions of tourists who
peer over its rim each year. “Seeing it from the rim is like viewing the painting of a great master. Rafting it is like
painting it yourself.”

There are also hundreds of photos taken from the river, along the banks, and from hikes and campsites. With a page
for every day, including prep, the Goulds also share information about preparing food for the trip, gear, as well as
what they packed and how they used it. The river action gets started with
this entry, and they all make good reading.