Nat Geo on Evolution

I know. There are two things you should never discuss if you want
to avoid controversy: religion and politics. Was this ever more true than over the last few months? I mean, people who
once had a hard time mustering an opinion about their favorite food were suddenly all blustery and red over the
Presidential election. Well, the other big hot button issue right now is evolution, and National Geographic Magazine is
running a series this month on the topic
that asks: Was Darwin Wrong? Answer: No. I mean, duh.

But typical for Nat Geo, the
best part of the story are
the photographs, and there is an excellent online Flash interactive that shows how the photographer Robert Clark kept
organized and focused during the 24-location shoot he did for the evolution article. The accordion-like portfolio has
some almost titillating pictures of, well, birds, as well as a kind of visual essay on the concepts of evolution.
Sadly, the full article itself is not yet online, but along with the Flash, there is some fairly interesting
sidebar info available.