Climbing the Seven Summits

Maybe you’ve heard of this guy, but he deserves some Gadling accolades
, a  22-year-old Middlebury College student, earlier this year became the youngest person in history to
complete the Seven Summits by climbing
the tallest peak on seven continents.

The grandson of TV’s Captain Kangaroo, Keeshan summited Everest back on May 24. He was one of 17 climbers, guides
and Sherpas in his expedition to summit. The feat broke the 2-year-old record held by Japan’s Atsushi Yamada, who was
23 when he completed the Seven Summits.

Not many have completed the Seven Summit feat (about 80 at last count), but 33 of them are Americans. Among them is
Dick Bass who was the first ever to do so 1985. Keeshan began his quest for the Seven Summits when he was 15 and on
break from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. He became obsessed with the effort after participating in a NOLS