You’re certified. You love to dive. When you think about vacation, you don’t think about
lying on the beach with a Pina Colada and a pulp novel. No. You think about inflating your BCD (or deflating it) and
sucking compressed air from a tank on your back. You think about checking out entire new worlds, beautiful, magic
worlds whose magnificence no one seems to understand (non-divers, anyway). But then kids come along, and suddenly
you’re thinking more about changing diapers than air tanks. So have you given up the diving experience for this new one
of parenting? Is this a mutually exclusive arrangement? Not necessarily.
According to this article, families and diving can go
together, if not as well as love and marriage or a horse and carriage, at least there’s hope. At least you can get
little Jimmy to squirm his way into a wet suit and teach him how to dive. Fairly painlessly. Sure, there are
restrictions (10-year-olds, it seems, are restricted to 12m of depth), but you can still get him/her certified and
bring him along to those dark, joyous depths that you love so much.