Explorer’s Club Doc Fest: The Last Wild Horse: The Return Of Takhito Mongolia

Still here at the
Explorer’s Club in
New York City. It’s blizzarding outside, which is actually pretty damn cool. What a great place to be when there is a
blizzard. The fire is going in the reading room, and a stuffed seven-foot polar bear is watching over the event with a
hungry glint in his eye. I’ve had a great time so far. I’ve been chatting up all sorts of filmmakers and adventurers. I
talked earlier with the Executive Producer of The One Degree Factor and the whole Strange Days On Planet Earth series,
Mark Shelley. Cool dude. He lives in Monterey and gets to do these amazing nature documentaries serving as
cinematographer too. I told him I was very impressed by the
camera work and editing of these films, and we had a nice
chat about how far nature films have come.

Anyway. Just watched the film that won for the Best Short Film, The Last
Wild Horse
: The Return Of Takhito Mongolia, a really wonderful story about wild horses, a species known as
Przewalski’s horse, that is being reintroduced into the Mongolian wilderness. Shot in HD, it was amazingly colorful and
the cinematography was excellent. The film really revealed the desolate wonder of Mongolia, but also the depth of
culture and the incredble friendliness of the Mongolian people. A pretty good film. Not my favorite, but I liked