A Romantic Snowshoe Walk in the Woods

Of all the honeymoon spots and activities to do after you’ve just tied the knot, snowshoeing 200 miles in Maine’s
North Woods certainly isn’t the most typical.  Then again, Alexandra and Garrett Conover aren’t your typical
couple.  As reported by

Marty Basch
, in a recent Boston Globe article, the pair has spent close
to 20 years living year-round in a tent without running water or electricity. 

Their 29-day trek to Allagash, near the Canadian border, should put them two days before Valentine’s Day.  Oh
and this isn’t the first time the two have made this journey.  They’ll just be reliving the magic they
experienced 25 years ago, when they snowshoed across the frozen rivers and lakes on their first
honeymoon.   However, they’ll be taking a few others along this time; an intern with a human ecology major, a
digital camera and a satellite phone to call the Webmaster, who will be posting daily to the couple’s website. 
They hope to increase interest in the sport of snowshoeing and by golly they already have!