Gorp’s Top Ten for Skiiers

I was all set to do my own top ten ski areas list when I came across the exact same thing done by the good folks at
GORP. And when I saw that
their list was
compiled by author Peter Oliver and champion skier Alison
Gannett, and that it included several places I’ve never been in Europe, I realized it was better to just link to their
list. At least for now. Chances are we’ll do a list of our own, say, top ten California ski runs.

So take a minute, especially if you’re planning any Pres Day ski expeditions, to peruse the Gorp list and see if
anything there strikes your fancy. And where Alison Gannett’s five expert-only giga-diamond picks are concerned we
cannot be held liable if you decide to hurl yourself down one of them to, shall we say, disasterous consequences.