I gave
these guys some attention a while back, but I happened upon the site
recently and wanted to post about it again, because it is such a neat idea. Such great, simple, eloquent content.
Aaron Ximm’s fantastic Quiet American site features a
wonderful selection of sounds from abroad called One Minute
Vacations. But that’s just part of it. The site has got new stuff going up all the time…a new minute clip about
every week, so you can listen to a large amount of stuff and even put it on your ipod as you make your way around town.
He’s even got some gigs going. The newest thing seems to be a show coming up called Field Effects 22: quiet
things. He calls it “a showcase the use of found sound, found materials, and field recordings in media art,
presented in a uniquely comfortable environment.”
OK, whatever. Anyway, take a look at Ximm’s accomplishments, too. My guess is we’ll be hearing more about him on
places like NPR.