Beating Travel Fatigue

For some of us jet-lag can be a serious challenge and even the little three hour flights can get us
quite beat.  A friend of mine who came back from China took almost two
weeks to get his body clock back in check.  I thought that was longer than usual, but who am I to say? 

Anyhow, CNN has a good little read
for those of you who have a hard time sleeping or maybe even getting good sleep after or during a trip.  A hint of
lavender, an afternoon nap, or tucking yourself as close to the front of the plane will win you some pleasant
Zzz’s.  Also, try using a nightlight or a penlight to navigate your way in the dark instead of flicking
on the light.  They note that such disturbs the body’s circadian clock.  It all sounds very practical,
but I thought it might help someone.