Tocqueville’s Eyes on America

Here’s a great history piece which I’ll provide the secret passage to one of America’s most
penetrative French observers.  With this year marking the bicentennial of the
birth of
de Tocqueville
, the Atlantic Monthly follows in
his footsteps with another Frenchman, Bernard-Henri Levy.  You must have a paid subscription to proceed further
on their site, but there are several places to find how
Tocqueville viewed democracy America and what he saw on his
travels through America’s wilderness.  Having spent most of his time in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia he
had the chance to meet with some very prominent figures then and interview lawyers, settlers, bankers, and

What is most interesting about these past 200 years is obviously how times have changed big and small.  If you
have the opportunity do check out the Atlantic for Levy’s
take.  “How does America look to foreign eyes?”