Sometimes this world can be pretty closed minded, grim and flooded with hate with it’s borders,
boundaries, fine lines, land mines, etc. The weary traveler might just be
wondering where is the love? Where can one find peace? Well here’s an answer.
Along the borders of North Dakota and Manitoba lies one of the longest unfortified Botanical Gardens
devoted entirely to World Peace. The 2,339 acre long International
Peace Gardens have been a symbol of friendship between the two countries since 1932 and house enchanting
reflecting pools, floral displays as well as numerous wildlife. Another small sign of peace can be found on
seven Peace Polls in which “May Peace Prevail” is written in 28 different languages. There is
much to do in the surrounding areas including hikes and some bird watching. Just lovely.
As a side note all this peace talk has strangely enough triggered a tune from Mr. Roger’s show. ”A
beautiful day in the neighborhood, beautiful day in the…