I have a few living heroes. Buzz Aldrin, John Goddard, Steve Jobs, Don Delillo…and Hugh Hefner. Come on, the Hef has
done more to change popular culture that sixteen Madonnas. Think about how he took us out of the stifling 1950s Puritan
mindset and launched (or at least played a key role in) the sexual revolution. And I do like the articles.
Well, the man the myth also plays host to the
Playboy Jazz Festival, which is being
held this year at the Hollywood Bowl on June 11 and 12. Hef will be there, supporting the horn section, as will an
assortment of big time musicians, including Cuba’s octogenarian Israel “Cachao” Lopez and the Kenny Burrell
Good times will be had by all. Too bad we all can’t see it and then go for a soak in Hef’s jacuzzi.