Al Gore’s new indie TV experiment has gone live with it’s to five
finalists in a video contest meant to lure in independent young voices. It’s an interesting experiment, and I think
many of us with experience in mainstream media salute the effort and really hope it succeeds. In a best case scenario
world, the channel will offer the opportunity for independent voices to be heard and could end up being a great way for
people to express themselves, as well as to showcase new talents and air stories that otherwise wouldn’t see the light
of day.
It just so happens <sheepish grin> that my piece on
India called Varanasi Postcard made the final 5. The winner gets a development
deal worth a few K to produce other features for them. Not that I am soliciting your vote (hehehe), but I at least urge
you to check out the site and watch the pieces. And you if vote for me…well, that’d be cool,