With so much splendid, lush, tropical, rain forest and nature to explore in Costa Rica, it would
be a waste to go and not camp out in a tree house for a couple of
nights. Imagine yourself tucked inside a hammock swaying back and forth as the trees brush together,
whispering quietly from a cool tree-top breeze, compliments of the Caribbean coast. Having been blissfully
disturbed by the sound, you wake up and step outside, only to find you’ve got one of the most amazing views of the
stars you’ve ever seen in your life. It might not be heaven, but it sounds pretty close.
The Costa Rica Tree House located in Punta Uva, can be found just
south of Puerto Viejo in the Limon province on the Caribbean coast. The bathroom is located between two massive
air roots of a Sangrillo tree and the kitchen between the giants of the forest. There are also new beach
houses that should be complete as of next month and perfect for surfer’s coming from Puerto Viejo. The
beaches at Punta Uva are considered some of the most beautiful in the country.
As a suggestion, make sure you check the weather before heading out without reservations. The Caribbean coast
is notorious for long days of heavy rain. I tried to get to the tree house myself this past January from Arenal
only to be stopped by flooding and people walking from homes completely under water.