The Kungsladen: Snow or Summer

Hard-core cross-country fans who want to bail on
their easy little local trails take notice. It might be time to take on a real challenge: The
Kungsladen, or King’s Trail in Sweden. The trail links Abisko and Sarek
national parks, and lies above the Arctic Circle, so pack your long underwear.

As you push your way along a 58-mile section of trail through the Kebnekaise Range, you will gaze upon some of the
most remote terrain in the world. You’ll climb slowly rising mountains and find shelter and warmth at places like the
Salka Mountain Hut.  Of course, dufing the summer, you can also find some kick-ass hiking if you head to the
Kungsladen and climb to the top of Sweden’s highest peak, 6,965-foot Mount Kebnekaise. Once there, cast your eyes to
the West and catch views of distant Norway. And when you’re weary, head back to Stockholm, and order yourself up a nice
Aquavit. Prost!