I’ve raved about taking your ipod with you when you travel overseas…or wherever. There is something about having
your entire CD/iTunes collection with you when you visit exotic locales that is just too cool. As an
audible.com subscriber and user of
Teaching Company‘s content (now downloadable), I am always
loaded down with great stuff to listen to when on the road.
And now you can use your ipod as a talking dictionary. Need to ask, “where’s the damn bathroom!” in Mandarin? You
might check out Talking Panda’s iLingo program, an ipod-based
phrasebook for your ears. The books come in German, Italian, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Japanese.
It seems a bit awkward, but you navigate with the click wheel to get through the subject you need and then click to
hear. Also, be warned iLingo won’t work with first gen ipods or the shuffle. Categories include: Getting Directions,
Dining, Making Friends, and Entertainment, among others. I am going to try to get my hands on a copy for review, so
stay tuned.