Seeing everyone has his or her own definition of engaged travel, I couldn’t pass on posting this for
the traveler in search of a little sexual escapade while attending one of the biggest world
sports events ever. According to the
National Post, fans heading to the World Cup in 2006 will also have the opportunity to shack up with a prostitute
(if one so very wishes to do so, that is) in the nifty wooden “sex huts” host cities, Cologne and
Dortmund, so kindly erected with tons of condoms and showers nearby. Experts estimate about 40,000 prostitutes to
be available for the fans coming all across the globe. (WOW. That’s more prostitutes than some countries’ entire
population!) The profession is legal in certain parts of Germany.
I’ve run across a couple of men in my lifetime that have cruised over the boarder, flown overseas and did whatever
it took for the thrill of gettin’ some. Personally, I don’t get it. I’m all for the World Cup, but the rest is
just ho-hum. With an emphasis on ho. (Bad! Slaps hand.)