Those Running Bulls

Well, I guess we can all be thankful and heave a sigh of relief. So far the famous
Running of the Bulls celebration
has gone off without anyone getting
killed. Sure there have been some bruises and scratches, maybe a hoof print in the back or two, but no gruesome skulls
crushed or mangled bodies. Yet. There are still a few days to go after all. Actually,
one Canadian woman running in
flip-flops got injured (flip-flops? hello?), but she’ll be fine and now has a good story to tell her kids.

As usual, the wine is flowing and lifting the exuberant rhetoric to lofty heights: “It’s been the best four hours of
my life, and it’s only going to get better.” gushed one sloshed participant, presumably before vomiting on his
shoes.  As all Papa fans are aware, the festival in this northern town dates gained fame from Ernest Hemingway’s
1926 novel The Sun Also Rises. A fine book, historically accurate, but whose depictions of the event failed to include
modern nuances like brain-dead frat boys chugging Sangria bongs, or the
horde of
protestors (come on folks, if you’re going to do it, go all the way!) who took the time to stride around
with their save the bulls banners held high.

The runs, which follow all-night street parties, continue daily, starting at 8 a.m., through July 14.