The Death Valley Experience

It’s not the place that many people think of when it comes time to
plan vacation. But Death Valley is a great place to head right now. The diluvian
rains that fell on California this year, up to 6 inches of rain in some places, have given rise to a phantasmagoria of
colorful flora and fauna that experts say is unlike anything seen here in a century.

News-Leader.comcalls it
a “once-in-a-lifetime display” with so much exploding color that shutter bugs will get callouses on their fingertips.
So if Death Valley has ever been on the agenda, do it now. Get up there. Go, bring your camera and a tent and camp
under the stars. Or if you prefer, do the local hotel thing, and check out the following places. Try the
Furnace Creek Inn,
Furnace Creek Ranch, and/or the
Sunset Campground.