Faux Nuke in the Desert

pretty cool story out of the New Mexico desert.
The pyromaniac in me got kind of giddy when reading this.

A group of artists decided to commemorate the first nuclear explosion in history, the one simply known as the “gadget”
by creating an explosion of their own they call the Simnuke. Using six industrial fire-suppression fans, they pumped
400 gallons of a gasoline-and-biodiesel mixture into an apparatus creating a mushroom cloud blast over 300 feet

The author writes that the blast “was so bright that by comparison, the pre-dawn light in the sky appeared entirely
dark. The ground glowed with the reflection of the blast.” Ah, that just gives me shivers. Not that I am unafraid of
the potential dangers of nuclear technology (big in the
news right now), but there is something
about blowing things up like this that stirs something primeval in us. Or at least it does in most guys.