Beer Trips

With all the roar about soaring temperatures these days here is a trip to possibly cool you off a
tad. Perfect for the guys and gals that love their occasional and sometimes daily
dose of fermented mash a.k.a. beer, investing in one of Beer Trip’s packages
maybe the best summer vacation experience yet. Now, I’m sure it would be great to sit around under a shady place in the
park with a nice breezing blowing your way, chugging down on your brewskies, but their trips are for beer lovers.

Beer lovers are the folks that want to get in on all the behind the scenes action while exploring Czech Micro
Breweries, Prague, Bamberg, and Munich during the popular Oktoberfest, as well as the distilleries of Scotland.
Endeavors in beer loving countries include introductions to the people, the culture, and also brewing methods. The web
site is packed with numerous package options to making the best fit for you and say, some of your old frat