The key to dealing with blazing hot summer days in New York is getting out of the city. But it
takes forever to motivate sometimes, and you often need a car to get anywhere worthwhile. Well, the New York
Times has got a feature on an excellent day
trip that gets you out of the city and onto the beach in about 30 minutes.
You reach Sandy Hook New Jersey from Manhattan by taking the ferry, either the SeaStreak and New York Waterway, and
riding to Sandy Hook. You can ride your bike around the area and check out the lighthouse or the small museum at Fort
Hancock. There is a multi-use pathway for biking if you haul your two-wheeler along with you. This is about as easy as
it gets when it comes to gettting out of the city. Personally, I’m not sure what the crowds would be like at this
place…could be dodgy. But we may give it a try ourselves to find out.