Calvin & Sharon’s Africa Travel Blog

Every time I see someone blogging about their experiences while in Africa, I swear to myself that I too will save enough money to get to Africa – fast! It’s so expensive, but the memories gained have to be priceless. Calvin and Sharon have evoked that feeling and sudden impulse to fly across the Atlantic once again in colorful recounts of Namibia and Botswana in their Impulse Adventure travel blog. After reading several parts of their tales, I found this entry on the Himba people of Northern Namibia to be most engaging. It’s the kind of thing you can read over and over again without building a true sense of what the culture of the indigenous people from the Himba are like. Calvin’s photos are excellent additions to the entry which describes the attire, lifestyle, and traditional way to enter a Himba settlement.

Calvin’s photo of the women’s legs here is an example of some of the jewelry and anklets that play an important role in indicating marital status and puberty. Like many items worn by the Himba these are never to be removed. Males wear thick necklaces made of manure and ochre. The idea of putting manure in my hair or wearing something made with a large portion of it seems beyond me.

So many pieces to this entry are really worth your time including the great collection of photos that accompany most of the posts. Overall it makes for a nice cultural blog.